Comment commencer
Acheter un traceur GPS
Télécharger l'application
Configurer le traceur
Suivre votre véhicule
This type of device is designed to connect to the company card from flespi during tachograph authentication. In other words it serves as a bridge between the company card and the tachograph to exchange data.
The device ident must match the real company card number shown on the smart card to avoid confusion when there are two or more cards.
Tacho Bridge Application which is installed on user's computer or server is itself represented as Tacho Bridge App device in flespi while each card connected to it should be registered as Tacho Bridge Card device.
For more information and for setup instructions follow this guide.
Dès que votre tracker commence à envoyer des données au serveur, l'unité sera immédiatement affichée dans l'application.
La liste des adresses possibles figure ci-dessous:
Acheter un traceur GPS
Télécharger l'application
Configurer le traceur
Suivre votre véhicule
L'équipe GPS-Trace construit et soutient une communauté mondiale de partenaires offrant des services de suivi GPS à des clients du monde entier.
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